Drone Services
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Our services


A Drone Inspection: What Is It? Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are used in drone inspections to collect data and conduct visual inspections of major assets in order to facilitate maintenance. By using a drone's camera for remote monitoring, these checks boost productivity and shield inspectors from hazardous situations.

We provide, tower, roof, construction, Commercial Air Conditioning photo/video inspections, and many more.


Land Surveying

Drones are used for mapping and surveying. In the mapping and surveying sector, drones are becoming useful. By flying above the ground, they may more efficiently carry out tasks like 3D mapping, land surveys, photogrammetry, and topographic surveying.

As the name suggests, photogrammetry is a method of measuring three-dimensional coordinates that uses images as the primary media. Triangulation is the essential idea of photogrammetry.

Land Survey San Antonio TX
DEM - Digital Elevation Model - San Antonio, TX

Real estate

Proven to sell listings faster, incorporating aerial drone photography into your listings, is the way to go. You'll be able to showcase your property from various heights and angles, so the client can take in all the beauty of what your listing has to offer.

(depending on your connection speed, video may default to a low resolution. click the gear icon in youtube to change the quality of playback)



From grounding breaking to completion and everything in between, we'll be there. You choose the interval of how often you want pictures and video of your construction project.

(depending on your connection speed, video may default to a low resolution. click the gear icon in youtube to change the quality of playback)

Aerial footage

We capture your business, in all it's glory! All aerial footage is produced in 4K quality. This will complete the showcase of your property.
(depending on your connection speed, video may default to a low resolution. click the gear icon in youtube to change the quality of playback)

for Your business

From a 20 second video or a 2 minute video or longer, we have you covered! All in 4K quality!

(depending on your connection speed, video may default to a low resolution. click the gear icon in youtube to change the quality of playback)

about andronerson

Starting a business or growing your business?  Maybe you’re just looking to capture a grand view on something already great.  Whatever your needs are, ANDRONERSON will deliver a unique and creative product that’s affordable.  

Hi, my name is Scott Anderson, husband to my beautiful wife, father of four, founder and owner of ANDRONERSON LLC, and self guided by my faith and my instincts.

With over 25 years in Information Technology, my technical expertise shines in my work.  I have a passion for flying and find an abundance of joy in seeing the world from a higher level.  I believe my work tells a story with every dip, dive, and turn.  My attention to detail, combined with my passion for creativity, will bring what’s special to you, that added WOW factor.

“It’s only when you’re flying above that you realize how incredible the earth really is”.

scott Anderson

FAA Part 107 Certified Drone Pilot and Videographer

our work

Real Estate
Lennar Homes
San Antonio, TX
Tower of the Americas - San Antonio, TX
Comanche Park San Antonio, TX


Contact us directly for a quote, special pricing and discounts. Additional fee for music, unless provided.

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